yamaha raptor 250r

Monday, March 31, 2008

New Cellphone?

Its been a heck of a year for me, I already lost or misplaced 2 cellphones in a single year, The first one is a Motorola SLVR L7 and the the second one is a Motorola (again?!) RAZR Maxx V6. I don't wanna go on to details on where, when, and how did I lost them, because If I tell you the story you might think that I'm a natural born clumsy and forgetful! Ha! I am planning to buy new one this day, but my inner self is telling me that I should not buy an expensive and top of the line phone and I must settle for a cheaper one that has the basic capabilities (sms and call feature), Well for the first time in my life my inner self won the bidding! alas! The simplicity in me is working its way out! LOL. But, if you think about it maybe my inner self is right, basically I don't need a high tech and expensive phone (although I'm a techy), Maybe I am getting a little bit tired of losing or misplacing expensive things...